Smolpxl Games

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Plays:13945   Likes:1542

Play Like Code


Plays:2067   Likes:52

Play Like Code


Smolpxl is made for fun, by volunteers.

We don't track you or try to sell you anything.

We just want you to have fun playing our games, and maybe learn how to make games yourself!

If you'd like to see more games and tutorials, or you'd like to help with the costs of running the site, you can find out how to donate by clicking here.

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Plays:6865   Likes:41

Play Like Code

Santa Bike

Plays:2929   Likes:5

Play Like Code


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Eat Apples Quick!

Plays:811   Likes:6

Play Like Code


Plays:1107   Likes:20

Play Like Code

Duckmaze 2

Plays:354   Likes:11

Play Like Code

Cross the Road

Plays:3572   Likes:7

Play Like Code


Plays:1193   Likes:15

Play Like Code


Plays:2158   Likes:25

Play Like Code

Color Game

Plays:   Likes:2

Play Like Code


Plays:296   Likes:16

Play Like Code

Conway's Game of Life

Plays:737   Likes:9

Play Like Code