Smolpxl Games

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Privacy on Smolpxl

What this covers

This policy covers your use of the Smolpxl web site, the games listed on the Smolpxl web site, and the Smolpxl Android apps.

The following Play Store apps are covered by this policy:

No personal information

Smolpxl is created for fun and education. We don't track you and we don't want to sell you anything.

We never collect any personal information about visitors to the site.

Anonymous stats

We do collect anonymous statistics about which games are being played, which pages are being visited, and how many "likes" each game receives.

We use this information to improve the site, and to know how popular it is. We don't use it to try and manipulate your behaviour or trick you into spending too much time on the site.


Some parts of our site may use web browser cookies to store information like high scores or replays you have recorded. We don't send this information anywhere without asking your explicit permission.

High score tables

Some games may store high score tables on our server, so you can compare how well you did against other players. We won't send information to our servers without your explicit permission. If you give permission, we will only store what you provide (such as a name and a score, and perhaps replay information to prove the score is legitimate). We won't use this informaion for anything except maintaining a high score table.

Contact us if you would like your information to be removed.

Other web sites

The community is hosted on Lemmy. We know that the Lemmy developers consider privacy important, but so far we have not found an official privacy policy page for them. In the meantime, we asked the question and are hoping for a useful response.

If you make a donation via Liberapay your information will be processed according to the Liberapay Privacy Policy.


If you have any questions or need any help with privacy issues, please Contact us. The privacy contact is Andy Balaam, who may be contacted by email on


We might have to change this privacy page from time to time, so do check back here, but we do not expect to change the important point, which is that we do not track your behaviour or personal information.

2023-06-16 Add Contact section
2023-06-16 List apps that are covered, to comply with Play Store requirements
2021-06-29 Switch from Gitter for Chat to Lemmy for Community
2020-10-17 Initial setup